It Follows begins with a sunny day in Michigan, as a college student named Jay (Maika Monroe) floats in her swimming pool. An ant moves over her arm as freely as the water around her. Jay drops her hand below the surface of the pool. The insect is swallowed up by the cool liquid. The ant, nature’s epitome of teamwork, is killed in an instant.
That night, after a sexual encounter with her boyfriend, Jay discovers she is being stalked by an evil force invisible to those around her. It can take the appearance of any person and if it catches her, will kill her. She clutches on friends for protection, but the group is defenseless against the attacks of the shadowy interloper.
Casual critics of It Follows viewed the film as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unprotected sex, but a deeper reading of the picture yields a horrific commentary on the trials of growing up. Jay and her friends are at a transitional period in their lives. The carefree days of their youth are coming to an end as quickly as the life of the ant in the pool. They reminisce about games they played as a kids, their first times experiencing a kiss, their dreams of traveling the world. Adulthood, like the foreboding presence that has been haunting Jay, cannot be escaped. The memories Jay and her friends have of their childhood will last long into their later years, so too will the tribulations of their youth. The habitual badgering and intimidation they suffered, the stress and strain of school will “follow” them forever.
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